Business in Winooski
Those who know Winooski know that it’s all about the small business. Vermonters across the board love supporting local and we’re no exception. From shops to bars to restaurants to services to manufacturing to offices, you’ll find it all here. Our community welcomes exciting and unique new ventures. Thinking about starting a business in Winooski? We think that’s a great idea.
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City Resources
Designated Downtown Benefits
Learn about the benefits for our community as a result of our Designated Downtown status.
City of Winooski
Important links and information for business owners in Winooski.
Winooski Planning & Zoning
The P&Z Department ensures orderly growth and development of the City by reviewing land development projects and zoning applications and issuing permits.
Winooski Vital Records, Licenses, and Permits
Apply for licenses and permits required by the City of Winooski.
Regional Resources
Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce
The Lake Champlain Chamber seeks economic opportunity for all, celebrates business ownership and entrepreneurship, promotes a robust and diversified visitor economy, cultivates community leadership, and nurtures emerging talent.
CVOEO Micro Business Development Program
The MBDP offers personalized 1:1 coaching, technical assistance, and group workshops to help you create and grow a business that works for you.
State Resources
Secretary of State
Learn how to register a business in the State of Vermont.
Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development
The ACCD helps Vermonters improve their quality of life and build strong communities.
Vermont Small Business Development Center
The VSBDC provides professional expertise and guidance to business owners statewide.
Vermont Professionals of Color Network
VTPoC builds a community and network that promotes, supports, and affirms People of Color in a way that helps them succeed personally and professionally.
Center for Women & Enterprise
The CWE is an economic empowerment organization supporting women to launch and successfully sustain businesses.
Vermont Womenpreneurs
VT Womenpreneurs focuses on convening, connecting, collaborating, and celebrating Vermont’s women business owners.
National Resources
Register for an Employee Identification Number to manage your taxes.