Who We Are

We are a nonprofit serving the city of Winooski, Vermont. Winooski established a Downtown Designation in 2001. Since that time, Downtown Winooski (formerly known as The Winooski Community Partnership) has committed to comprehensive growth and revitalization. We seek to make Winooski a better place to live, visit, work, shop, do business, dine and be entertained. We utilize a consensus-building program that fosters community pride and encourages the growth of small businesses, employment and income opportunities, tax revenues, property values and general quality of life.

In addition to tax relief for businesses, Downtown Winooski brings businesses together with residents to make our community even more vibrant. We are committed to bringing exciting events and opportunities for the community to come together and support each other to Winooski.

Downtown Winooski is in a unique position to bring our strong business community together to identify and achieve common goals. Each year we build deeper connections between businesses and community. We conduct rigorous business outreach and provide support to new and existing businesses of any size. We host free and inclusive community events to benefit residents, tourists and anyone who works or plays in Winooski. We strive to have a focus on equity, access and inclusion in our events and all of our work. Winooski is a diverse and vibrant community and we want all people to feel welcome regardless of ability or situation. We work with collaborators, co-conspirators, sponsors and volunteers who have a shared desire to build a vibrant, connected and healthy city.

Our Mission

Downtown Winooski is a nonprofit organization dedicated to Winooski’s community and economic vitality through inclusive events, marketing, collaboration, and advocacy.

Get to Know Us

Melissa Corbin
Melissa Corbin

Executive Director

Sarah Brunkhorst
Sarah Brunkhorst

Event Coordinator &
Farmers Market Manager

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Laura Wade
Downtown Winooski Logo
Ali Nagle

Board Vice-Chair

Manager, Monkey House
Co-Owner, Waking Windows

Jacquie Dagesse
Jacquie Dagesse

Board Secretary

Owner, EIV Technical Services
Real Estate Developer

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George Bergin

Board Treasurer

Co-Owner, Beverage Warehouse

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Craig Mitchell

Board Member

Community Leader

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Sarah Lallier

Board Member

General Manager, Waterworks Food + Drink


Matt Binginot
Matthew Binginot

Board Member

Owner, Matthew Binginot Creations

Thomas Renner
Thomas Renner

City Council Liaison

Deputy Mayor of Winooski